The acceptance of a phone call or email if cancellation is considered "a notification to cancel" and may not result in cancellation.
Every effort will be made to cancel the order before it is shipped, when requested. If the order has not been packed, then a $10.00 minimum cancellation fee will apply. If the order has been packed, then a 10% ($10.00 minimum) cancellation fee will apply.
If the order is already shipped (billed) then shipping and return shipping will be deducted in addition to a 20% ($10.00 minimum) cancellation fee. Due to high costs of shipping and return shipping, order cancellations after an order is shipped, may not be made without the approval of the costs involved.
As shipping and return shipping is often close to as much as the cost of purchase, it may be best to find other alternatives rather than cancellation. We may be able to offer suggestions for the use of the product involved to help alleviate cancelations. Full descriptions, pictures, and prices are provided for accurate ordering. An order view page is provided to verify and review all information and costs before order submission.